Program Purpose
Customization of the inward franchise business concept and model to become suitable for sub-franchising in target markets/areas.
“To get Game-Changing results, start focusing on Game-Changing thoughts.”
Robin Sharma
A Canadian writer, best known for his book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”
Program Synopsis
Evaluation of the master franchise business qualitative, and quantitative data such as:
- Type of the acquired master franchise/license.
- Franchisor/master franchisee relationship.
- Franchise support package provided by the franchisor, and possibilities for its customization for sub-franchising.
- Legal obligations of the franchisor, and the master franchisee.
- Geographical jurisdiction of the master franchisee, and the option of the first rights of refusal.
- Sub-franchising formats and associated legal, commercial, and financial implications.
- Line of proprietary products supplied by the franchisor, or its nominated supplier, and supply chain systems.
- Franchise and sub-franchise fees, royalties & levies, and their effect on the profitability of the sub-franchisees.
- Scalability of the planned sub-franchised unit(s), and investment levels.
- Sub-franchise expansion strategy employed by the master franchisee.
Based on the findings of the evaluation process, recommendations will be provided to redesign the business concept, and franchise model.
The process also includes production of a sub-franchise prospectus and important documents required for sub-franchising including presentations, proposal(s), and legal agreements, in addition to provision of advice and guidance for redrafting the operating manuals for the purpose of sub-franchising.
Program Language: English or Arabic subject to client’s requirements.