Program Purpose
Setting up, managing, and executing franchise marketing strategy and plans.
“True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.”
Karl Popper
An Austrian-born, British philosopher, generally regarded as one of the 20th century’s greatest philosophers of science.
Program Synopsis
Building the Foundation for Franchise Marketing: Considering specific business insights such as investment on the unit level, complexity of operation, cost and nature of support programs, this program offers recommendations for the foundation of franchise marketing such as franchise expansion strategy & required budget, potential franchisee profile, possible franchise formats to cater to differing market requirements, franchise support package and, related franchise fee structure.
Revision of the Franchise Marketing Material: Review and re-draft existing franchise marketing material including proposals, presentations, prospectuses, and legal documents.
Lead Generation and Management:
- Generate franchise leads by way of participating in franchise events, and by working with third-party franchise marketing companies.
- Follow up and manage potential franchisees’ interest in establishing, and operating the franchise business/unit.
- Qualify and screen franchise candidates according to an agreed criteria of financial, and managerial capabilities
- Manage the entire process of negotiating the agreement, and granting the franchise rights.
Supporting Franchisees: Monitor the provision of initial & ongoing support services, and training to the newly appointed franchisees, and provide coaching to the franchise operational support team.
Program Language: English or Arabic subject to client’s requirements.