Franchise Ability Test - The Franchise Trainer

Program Purpose

Help clients make the strategic decision on whether to embark their businesses on a major franchise program, or consider alternative options for business growth, and expansion.

Program Synopsis

  • This is an in-depth evaluation of the current operating system covering 20 to 25 elements of the business to find out how it compares with the established criteria for a sound business format franchise.
  • The program includes verification of the elements of the proven formula for franchise success, the staying power of the products & services, distinctive features of the business concept, essentials of the corporate image & identity, and the requirements for the protection of intellectual property rights.
  • Covering a 3-year financial analysis of the franchise business, the comprehensive franchise-ability report also includes analyses of the required financial & managerial resources for supporting a successful franchise model, a review of management structure, operational expertise & knowhow, and administrative system.

Program Language: English or Arabic subject to client’s requirements.

“When you don’t know that you don’t know, it’s a lot different than when you do know that you don’t know.”

Bill Parcells

An American former football coach, known as “The Big Tuna”

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