O Seu Bitoque (Portugal) - The Franchise Trainer

O Seu Bitoque (Portugal)

Portuguese Minute Steak

Priority Target Franchise Markets GCC

GCC & MENA region.

“OSB offers a tenderized premium cuts of beef, chicken or fish, topped with a election of sauces including black pepper, fresh mushrooms, yellow mustard, r butter sauce. The menu also includes a delicious 200 g burger and the ortuguese Francesinha (Frenchie) which is a towered sandwich originating rom the City of Porto”.

  • A recognize d brand in the Portuguese market.
  • Portuguese chef driven recipes.
  • A wide variety of protein choices.
  • A simple easy to replicate operation for a smooth rollout of the business in he target market.
  • Finest food in a QSR model for high street or mall locations.
  • First class menu with competitive pricing.


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